Nestled in the heart of an enchanted kingdom, where the stars shimmer like rare jewels in the velvety night, the Sparkle collection truly embodies this enchanting world. Each pair of shoes in the collection radiates a luminous essence that guides one’s journey towards the fulfillment of cherished dreams, creating an ambiance of pure, unending romance.


Infused with elements of fantasy, elegance, and pure beauty, this collection turns your feet into a celestial night sky that lights up with each step. Every run becomes an enchanting journey among the sparkling stars beneath your feet.

Entitled “Sparkle,” this collection is a heartfelt tribute to a world brimming with perfection, enchantment, vitality, and rare beauty.

Each shoe is a true masterpiece, meticulously crafted with love, and every crystal is delicately hand-sewn. The raw materials are chosen with the utmost care, while every creation is a testament to the exceptional talent of Luis Onoftre, who draws inspiration from his magical and whimsical world, weaving enchanting tales through each design.


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